Imagine walking into your home and realizing it’s not yours anymore. The couch, the TV, even Mr. Whiskers, our beloved cat, have vanished. The cozy home we shared is now an empty shell, and I’m left standing in the middle of it, wondering what I did to deserve this.

The kitchen, once filled with her exotic teas and our mismatched dishes, is now a barren wasteland. The bedroom, where our bed used to be, holds nothing but empty hangers swaying gently in the closet. I’ve tried calling her, texting her, even checking social media, but she’s erased herself completely from my life.

As I stand here, trying to make sense of it all, I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Who manages to take every single thing, down to the last spoon? My friends suggest she needed space or it’s a mid-life crisis, but I’m left with nothing but questions.

This blog is my attempt to piece together the fragments of what happened and to start over. I’ll be sharing my journey of buying new furniture, new dishes, and maybe even finding a new cat. Somewhere in this process, I hope to find a new understanding of myself and what went wrong. For now, I’m figuring out how to move forward when everything has been wiped away.

Join me as I navigate this new chapter, with a bit of self-reflection, a lot of curiosity, and the hope of finding answers along the way.

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